Conference and meetup talks

Here is a selection of my previous talks. I’d be happy to hear from you if you want me to speak at your conference or meetup!

How to create the AI we actually want

Presented at TedXUniPotsdam (August 2021)

LeadDev Panel: Building happy and effective data teams

Panel discussion (September 2022)

The two main challenges in building data pipelines

Presented at the Citizens for Europe & CorrelAid Hackathon (September 2022)

Mind your data — Data quality for the rest of us

Presented at Berlin Buzzwords (June 2020)

Wie funktionieren “Künstliche Intelligenzen”?

Presented at the conference “Die Mensch-Maschine-Gleichung” (February 2021)

Do you want your tech profitable, ethical, useful or reliable?

Presented at Python Pizza Remote (April 2020)

Want to have a positive social impact as a tech person?

Presented at PyData Berlin & PyCon DE (October 2019) and as a keynote at Python Pizza Hamburg (December 2019)

PyData Berlin & PyCon DE 2019 recording

5 Things I learned from prototyping ML research papers

Presented at GOTO Berlin (November 2019), PyData Berlin (May 2018)

PyData Berlin 2018 recording

Machine Learning for the Curious but Confused

Presented at Codemotion Berlin (November 2018), EnthusiastiCon (April 2018)

EnthusiastiCon 2018 recording

Design Patterns in Python

Presented at PyLadies Berlin in 2016.

The full collection of my talks slides can be found at Speakerdeck.